Now you can run this class file.To compile java programs you must have JDK installed on your system. Class file created with the class name. After compiling the java program a. To run a Java program, you first need to compile it. Run Java Program in Command Line.
Here's an introductory tutorial. These optional arguments can be recorded in Shortcuts such that opening the shortcut loads the programs with the options activated.For example, Create a new shortcut and specify the target as follows:"C:\Program Files\R\R-2.9.1\bin\Rgui.exe" -internet2This will open R (at least on my system) using a proxy server for internet connectivity.Batch files: Batch files are text files with a *.bat extension used to run commands on windows. xcopy (copying directories and subdirectories - good for backup, although I prefer xxcopy)Also, see this discussion on StackOverflow regarding PowerShell and CygWin.Windows Shortcuts: Optional arguments can be given to a program to make it open in a different way.